Stránky žáka 63. + 4. třídy ZŠ Kaznějov - fž


Sekce Média


A - Z


Písek - 112 položek

Street View - Muzeum písku - Fukube-cho, Japonsko
Písek je směs drobných kamínků různého původu. Jeho hustota je závislá na vlhkosti v něm obsažené a pohybuje se přibližně od 1500 kg/m³ do 1700 kg/m³. Podle velikosti zrn se dělí do frakcí. Hlavní přínos písku je ve stavebnictví, při výrobě skla a ve slévárenství.
Písek se také používá jako hrací prostředek pro děti, uložený je ve větších nádobách ve kterých se dá volně pohybovat. Ty si z něj mohou stavět co chtějí díky jeho tvárné konzistenci při spojení s vodou.

Saint Basil Cathedral & the Moscow kremlin Catherine the Great
Chrám Vasilije Blaženého a moskevský Kreml s carevnou Kateřinou II.

Russian science and Space exploration (Ruská kosmonautika)

British Literature - William Shakespeare

Taj Mahal (Tádž Mahal)

Traditional English Pub : Laughter and Lively People (Tradiční anglická hospoda)


Kovy - 20797 položek
Metals can be defined by their properties: they are malleable, so can be shaped by hammering and bending; tough and fairly elastic, so can sustain considerable stress without breaking; and dense and highly reflective, so capable of taking a good polish. They are also good conductors of heat and electricity. With the exception of iron, most common metals have relatively low melting-points (below 1100°C), so they can be easily melted, and on cooling they retain their molten shape. They can, therefore, be shaped by casting. They are also highly reactive, so although abundant in the Earth’s crust, they are usually found in combination with other elements.
Border with the Queen of Sheba before King Solomon (1525 - 1530)
- ohraničení - Královna ze Sáby

 Table - Attributed to André-Charles Boulle (about 1680 - 1690)

Dual-axle locomotive - George Stephenson, Eugène Philippe - 1833
(model dvouosé Stephensonovy lokomotivy 1:5)

Fire engine ( Shand Mason and Company - 1881 - London

 Médium: wood, gold, brass, copper, leather)

Seiko bell-matic (1970 - 1975)


Zlato - 5477  položek
Yellow metallic element, with an atomic weight of 197.2 and a specific gravity of 19.32. It is one of the so-called ‘noble’ metal group, which also includes silver and platinum. Gold has always been highly valued for its intrinsic beauty, its working properties, and its rarity—until recent times it was used to underpin the currencies of the major trading nations, and it is still a traditional refuge in times of financial instability. It is first known to have been worked in Mesopotamia in the 6th millennium BC. Since then it has been prized as a material to fashion or to decorate a wide variety of objects, including jewellery, coins, ritual items, tableware, and furniture. A scarce element, representing between 1 and 9 mg per tonne in the composition of the earth, gold is found mainly in the native state, in contrast with most other metals, which are found as ores. Deposits of gold occur either in the original formations (e.g. as veins in quartz) or as ‘placer’ in alluvial deposits.

Coin (Celtic) - keltská mince

Autor: Unknown - Datum vytvoření: -0100/0001 - Místo: Bladel, Nederland
This is one of the oldest coins ever found in the Netherlands. The Celts made gold, silver and copper coins after Greek examples, and used them as currency in trade. Celtic gold was the harbinger of a changing economy. The traditional barter trade had had its day, and a commercial market was taking its place.


Necklace - Náhrdelník

Autor: Unknown - Datum vytvoření: Late 4th century BCE - Místo: Black Sea region, probably Trebizond

Lip ornament (Autor: Unknown - Datum: 1200 - 1521 - Culture: Mixtec-Aztec)

 Catherine the Great Easter Egg

Autor: Fabergé (firm); Henrik Immanuel Wigström (workmaster); Vasilii Ivanovich Zuev (miniatures)
• Datum vytvoření: 1914 • Místo vytvoření: Saint Petersburg

Médium: Gold, diamonds, pearls, opalescent enamel, opaque enamel, silver, platinum, mirror